These Hands - audio and video

(prompt courtesy of the Story Center, Berkeley, CA, USA)

Alfonso Amado

Alfonso Amado

These hands have held my children, and raised their character and shaped their future. They have dug into the ground in many places where I felt satisfaction and pleasure to live. They have worked hard together with my family, and my companions as I grow and reach success. These are the hands that hold dreams, love, work, gratitude and tenacity and the great value of life. These hands have learned to fight to give my loved ones the best of life. These hands contain stories. These hands are mine. (English translation).

Berenice Reyes

Berenice Reyes

These hands have held dreams, and raised bodies. They have dug into the ground and in all the places where I felt fear and strength. They have worked hard together with my family, and my colleagues as we give the best of ourselves and move forward. These are the hands that sustain the desire to dance and transform. These hands have learned to believe in themselves. These hands contain stories. These hands are mine. (English translation).

Beatriz Daniela Armendáriz

Beatriz Daniela Armendáriz

Estas manos han sostenido la piel de un joven y levantado las memorias de su corazón y mis propias lágrimas. Han escarbado en la tierra en el bosque, donde sentí la suave lluvia y el aire fresco de las montañas. Han trabajado arduamente junto a la dramaturgia de mis sueños, y de mis padres mientras observamos los colibríes volar y adivinamos la corriente del agua. Estas son las manos que sostienen esperanza y la libertad de trazar nuestro destino. Estas manos han aprendido a leer mapas para regresar a casa. Estas manos contienen historias. Estas manos son mías.

Mirabella Ondina

Mirabella Ondina

These hands have held babies, stories, raised rocks, hugged trees. They have dug sand in the sea where I felt water flow. I felt this peace, calm, this tranquility. The joy of life. They have worked hard together with brothers, where from the heart, we cut fruit, and we cooked. These are the hands that hold love, compassion, commitment and flow with life. These hands have learned to be vulnerable, to give, to receive, to be decisive and unstoppable. These hands contain stories. These hands are mine. (English translation).

Leah de Castillo

Leah de Castillo

These hands have held the smooth hair of a young woman, beautiful in her appearance and so resplendent of the soul as well. And have raised walls of absences, salty vapors, the pitch of forgetfulness. I have sunk my fingers and my heart in the sand. To my right is a wedding celebration. Here in my distance there is only the present body and my absent mind. The gray skies keep me tied to the ground, tied to the sea. The sand stops me from fading away. They have worked hard with me, my heaven, Maciel ... Cesar. While I slept and my heart watched. These are the hands that hold hope, forgiveness and acceptance. These hands have learned to let go, heal and rebuild by striving, being brave. These hands contain stories. These hands are mine. (English translation)

Milton U. Onofre Vásquez

Milton U. Onofre Vásquez

These hands have held the sand and a delicate body. They have lifted liters of water and a newborn. They have dug the earth in a hole with water and mud where I felt my wet skin and how the earth dried my body. They have worked hard with my parents and my friends while learning to flows and to fly. These are the hands that hold the ground because of it there is food. These hands have learned to value every moment and respect the things they have touched. These hands contain stories. These hands are mine. (English Translation).

Milton describes the design for this project.

Pablo Lavaniegos

Pablo Lavaniegos

Estas manos han sostenido el mundo y levantado muros de acero. Estas manos han sostenido tus manos. Han escarbado en la tierra de mi hogar, donde sentí su dulzura y su calor. Han trabajado arduamente junto al viento y al fuego, mientras caminamos sobre la faz de la tierra y pintamos con cada color. Estas manos han sostenido la verdad y la historia de aquellos que llegaron antes. Estas manos han aprendido a ver.

Pablo's story and interface is unique in two ways. One is that it work by proximity. The closer your hand, the more you can hear the story. Secondly, it is non-linear. Parts of the story are accessed at different points through the three designs. Each time it is heard differently depending on the interaction.

Edgar Juarez

Edgar Juarez

These hands have held sugar spheres and lifted flour sacks and the hands of my parents. They have reached down into the earth in France where I felt the glory and despair. They have worked side by side with Frédéric Anton and Medis Gart as we cooked at the Pré Catelan and I learned French cuisine. These are the hands that hold responsibility and engagement (dedication). These hands have learned the meaning of hard work. These hands hold stories. These hands are mine.


Tomas Santiago

Tomas Santiago

These hands have held my family and lifted and broke many stones on the road, they have also touched love. They have reached down into the earth in gardens where I felt the value of nature and the blooming of life. They have worked side by side with my father and my brother as we worked at a woodshop, building furniture. These are the hands that hold dreams, jingles of a better place and hope for not giving up. These hands have learned to continue fighting despite adversity. These hands hold stories. These hands are mine.


Astrid Amado

Astrid Amado

Estas manos han sostenido a las manos más pequeñas del mundo y levantado los sueños más grandes que jamás existirán y el corazón de una mujer maravillosa a la que llamo mamá. Han escarbado en la tierra en el bosque y en la playa donde sentí la tierra fría y  la suave arena. Han trabajado arduamente junto Blanca y a Mauricio, mientras atravesamos nuestros momentos difíciles  y celebramos cada triunfo. Estas manos han sostenido el conocimiento que ha dejado los errores que he cometido y la experiencia del día a día. Estas manos han aprendido a ir por la vida con una sonrisa en el corazón. Estas manos contienen historias. Estas manos son mías.