Corn, Kitten, Sox and Knot

8:45, 1998

The filmmaker enacts the limitations posed by single-handedly shooting video and recording audio in a storytelling performance about family, the cold war, childhood sex, and friendship.

Artcinema OFF-OFF, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000Centre d’Art Santa Monica, Barcelona, Spain, 2000
from today: conference on digitally mediated documentary work, Brown University, 2000
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2000
Transat Video, Herouville Saint-Claire, France, 2000
De Geuzen Foundation, Amsterdam, 1999
VIDARTE, Barranca del Muerto, Mexico, 1999
Collections, Long Beach Museum of Art, 1999
Athen’s International Film and Video Festival, 1999
Thundergulch Rochefeller Center Events, 1999
Electromediascope, Nelson Atkins Musuem of Art, Kansas City, 1999